About MII

MII’s office in Los Angeles has experienced staff ready to partner in the quest for great custom merchandise.


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Founded in 1981 by an ex-Retail executive, Marketing Innovations International (MII) had what turned out to be a bright idea… open your own Asia buying offices, hire and train your own people, and source and develop timely, quality merchandise with which to go out and spread the gospel of added-value merchandising. This idea and Asia infrastructure has served us well, such that, 42 years later, we have built a reputation and many long-term factory relationships in Asia, and we have created a level of customer service for our clients which is absolutely second to none. It starts with our factory-direct relationships, which ensure transparency and best pricing. Our quality control inspections and compliance standards are implemented by our employees at the factory level, and our full-circle Logistics Dept. ensures an on-time shipping/deliveryscenario that one can count on.

We started in the Cosmetics/Fragrance and Hotel/Casino industries, quickly segued to department and specialty store Retail where we took the gift-with-purchase out of the Cosmetics Department to employ it across all merchandise departments, then on to Wholesale where we created programs to enhance sell-through at Retail, on to developing proprietary product for resale at Retail, and along the way became active in Direct Sales incentive merchandise programs, awards, Corporate/B2B, specialty packaging, pharmaceutical programs, loyalty programs, cause marketing, and more.

MII’s office in Los Angeles has experienced Directors and Graphic Arts/Design staff ready to partner in the quest for great custom merchandise for every occasion and budget.